
Absolut Singles make up the majority of Absolut ads. In this section, you will find all ads that have an actual title on the ad. There are some exceptions, however most ads will follow this rule.

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Absolut '70, '85, '93...
Absolut -40°
Bottle of 100 proof vodka.  Writing in red.
Absolut 100.
Sheet of stickers with Absolut ads on it.
Absolut 100.
Eggs cooking on the hot pavement.
Absolut 110.
Aerial view of a golf course, brown version.
Absolut 19th.
Aerial view of a golf course.
Absolut 19th.
Octopus holding the bottle
Absolut 20 000 Lieues.
Absolut 20-One.
1/5 Page
Absolut 20-One.
1/4 Page
Absolut 20/One.
Full Page
Absolut 2001.
Absolut 23,5 CM.
Christmas season ad.  Shows the excessive amounts of gifts purchased during the holiday season.
Absolut 24th.
Woman walking with pile of Christmas presents
Absolut 24th.
25 years
Ad with 3-D glasses attached
Absolut 3-D.
Russian shuttle in the shape of bottle lifting off.
Absolut 3.2.1...0.
Absolut 6.0.
Absolut 90-60-90.
Absolut A La Carte, A La Park.
11th Annual
Absolut A La Carte, A La Park.
10th Annual
Lady walking dog with Absolut shaped spot on eye.
Absolut Accessory.
Salute to Steven Spielberg
Absolut Achievement.
Woman sewing quilt, ad not part of Heritage collection
Absolut Adams.
Bright orange with face, mouth in bottle
Absolut Adigard.
Fish hanging on dock in shape of bottle
Absolut Adirondacks.
Chef series ad by David Adjey.
Absolut Adjey.
Overview of a ski slope map.
Absolut Adrenaline.
4 musketeers in movie, Variety ad
Absolut Adventure.
Guy ice climbing
Absolut Adventure.
Absolut Advice.
Absolut Aiken.
Like Houdini, spotlight with no bottle.
Absolut Ailleurs.
Painting with flowers and heart.
Absolut Alabama.
Absolut Alaia.
95 Fashion
Absolut Albert
Absolut Alfaro.
95 Fashion
Absolut Allen.
Canadian ad, 3 drinks on table
Absolut Aloha.
2 different shades of blue that make up a mountain and sky.
Absolut Alps.
Absolut Alternative.
Absolut Alva.
Absolut Alva.
Absolut Alvarez.
Absolut Amaki.
Expressions v2
Small black and white boxes making optical illusion.
Absolut Amaze.
Two parrots.
Absolut Amazonia.
Absolut Americana.
Americana Collection
Roses thrown at the bottle.
Absolut Amica.
Absolut Amsterdam.
Bicycle full of luggage as if someone was moving.
Absolut Amsterdam.
Absolut Anderson.
Expressions v2
Absolut Anderson.
Yellow outline of bottle on black background.
Absolut Angel.
Yellow outline of bottle on green background.
Absolut Angel.
Bottle with the ABSOLUT VODKA blurred out.
Absolut Anonymous.
Absolut Anticipation
Feliz Navidad
Bottle in silver wrapping paper with blue label on it.
Absolut Anticipation.
Bare-naked bottle.
Absolut Anticipation.
Absolut Apeach.
Surrender to Apeach
Absolut Apeach.
Surrender to Apeach
Absolut Apeach.
Ad on the back of the Absolut Fetish spectacular.
Absolut Apology.
Orange glow in the shape of bottle.
Absolut Apparition
Lemon peel in the shape of a bottle.  Black background.
Absolut Appeal.
Lemon peel in the shape of a bottle.  Green background.
Absolut Appeal.
Absolut Appeal.
HN mag
Absolut Appeal.
Taxi cabs in the shape of bottle.
Absolut Apple.
Bottle covered in a cast.
Absolut Apres.
Absolut Aries War Child.
Boat passing through icebergs in an ocean.
Absolut Arkhangelsk.
Absolut Arman.
Absolument Brochure
Absolut Arman.
Like Absolut Jazz, Armonia means Harmony in spanish.
Absolut Armonia.
Absolut Arnold.
Bottle with the cap off.
Absolut Aromatherapy
Absolut Arpi.
Standard bottle with red ribbon strip in top right corner.
Absolut Arrival.
Standard Mandrin bottle on blue background.
Absolut Arrival.
Absolut Arrival.
Absolut Arrival.
Absolut Arrival.
Standard Mandrin bottle on blue background.
Absolut Arrivee.
Absolut Artist Bios.
Absolut Artist.
Absolut Artists Against Aids.
Absolut Artists.
Version 1
Absolut Artists.
Version 2
Absolut Ashley.
Same as Absolut Peak.  Aerial view of a ski slope.
Absolut Aspen.
Ancient stone ruins shaped as a bottle.
Absolut Athens.
Aerial view of Atlanta's airport.  Planes are parked in a way that forms a bottle.
Absolut Atlanta.
All blue ad with
Absolut Attitude.
Bottle covered in jewlery
Absolut Attitude.
Glass bending towards bottle.  Special ad for IMAX theater.
Absolut Attraction.
Glass bending toward bottle
Absolut Attraction.
Entire ad upside down.
Absolut Au Bon Sens.
French Bars
Absolut Au Kurant.
Corset that has purple laces that lace up in the shape of a bottle.
Absolut Au Kurant.
Absolut Au Kurant.
Purple wallpaper the has little bottles on it.
Absolut Au Kurant.
Lady with a purple hair-do in the shape of a bottle.
Absolut Au Kurant.
Aerial view of a harbor that has many ships docked in the shape of a bottle.
Absolut Auckland.
Resume for Absolut on cardstock paper.
Absolut Audition.
Resume for Absolut on cardstock paper.
Absolut Audition.
Artwork that shows a beehive with bees formed into the shape of a bottle.
Absolut Auld.
Bottle on a blue background that names hundreds of famous authors.
Absolut Authors.
Same as Absolut Chicago.  Standard bottle with the letters blowing off of it.
Absolut Autumn.
Absolut Autumn.
Bottles pointing in different directions.  Ad is 1/2 page size.
Absolut Avanti.
Absolut Avital.
Artists of the 90's
Same as Absolut Houdini.  Standard spotlight ad without the bottle.
Absolut Awol.
Absolut Azi.
Bottle with holes and water leaking out
AB__L_T V__KA.
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