Bright orange with face, mouth in bottle
Absolut Adigard.
Painting with flowers and heart.
Absolut Alabama.
Absolut Arman.
Absolut Azi.
White outline of bottle on black background.  Red writing inside bottle.
Absolut Ben.
Many different gray shaped circles with an emphasis on the outline of a bottle.
Absolut Bleckner.
Absolut Botts
Absolut Britto.
Absolut Burkhardt.
Absolut Cenedella.
Absolut Cowles.
Absolut Dadara.
Absolut Dickerson.
Absolut Double.
Absolut Earth.
Absolut English.
Absolut Eva & Adele.
Absolut Frabel.
Absolut Garbuz.
Absolut Gartel.
Absolut Gaz.
Absolut Gelman.
Absolut Genie.
Absolut Girouard.
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Grapefruit Design

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